欢迎使用 Amazon Handmade
欢迎使用 Amazon Handmade! Amazon Handmade 供手工艺人、手艺人和业余爱好者(无论您喜欢如何称呼自己都可以)发布手工商品并销售给全球买家。
Amazon Handmade 的优势
- 我们制定有手工艺人申请和审核流程,以确保打造的是真正的手工商品店铺。
- 加入 Amazon Handmade、创建店铺和发布商品都是免费的。当您销售商品时,Amazon Handmade 将扣除销售佣金,该佣金可能是基于您的总销售额的统一百分比计算得出的费用或每件商品最低费用。无交易费用。无处理费用。
- Amazon Handmade 为您的商品提供自定义资料。您的手工艺人资料附带一个自定义 URL,让买家可以轻松转至或直接在亚马逊网站上找到您的店铺。
- 对于主要在 Amazon Handmade 店铺中销售商品的卖家,获准在 Amazon Handmade 店铺中销售商品即可享受专业销售计划费用豁免,且无需支付每件商品销售费用。
Amazon Handmade 计划资格
- 独立手工艺人,独自工作或最好由少于 20 位朋友、家人或员工制作商品
- 合作团体 - 合作社、非盈利组织或慈善机构
- 合作社 - 一群手工艺人联合起来,以满足他们共同的经济、社会和文化需求。
- 非盈利组织 (NPO) - 这些是致力于促进特定社会事业或倡导共同观点的团体。
- 非政府组织 (NGO) - 这些是致力于促进特定社会事业或倡导共同观点的团体。
- 社会企业 - 这些组织的目标是赋予手工艺人集体和社区相应的权利并予以支持,使其打造出独一无二的手工商品。例如,社会企业组织构思出独一无二的设计,并与所在地区的手工艺人社区合作,协助他们根据设计制作和生产最终商品。
有关 Amazon Handmade 条款和条件的更多信息,请参阅Amazon Handmade: 条款和条件。
Amazon Handmade 商品资格
在 Amazon Handmade 店铺中发布的所有待售商品都必须符合以下资格要求:
- 商品必须由您或您的家庭成员/员工小团体(最好不超过 20 人)设计和生产
- 允许个人在其家中、工作室或工作区使用手动工具和轻型机器进行生产,但不允许使用装配线或自动化技术进行大规模生产。
- 接受经过手工改制的预制商品;例如,您将自己的设计应用于饮具和茶巾等。
- 允许翻新或通过某种操作提高二手商品的价值;例如,粉刷或装饰桌子。
- 允许再利用,或者将商品或其组件/部件用于全新或其他商品;例如,用旧黑胶唱片制作碗或用旧地毯制作枕套。
Amazon Handmade 不允许/禁止以下行为和商品:
- 将商品生产工作外包
- 直送商品
- 第三方转售商品
- 数字/可下载商品、食品/杂货类商品和电子产品
请参阅Amazon Handmade: 分类商品政策和要求,了解特定分类的限制和资格标准。
您必须先完成我们的申请流程并获得批准,才能开始在 Amazon Handmade 店铺中销售商品。要进行申请,请点击此处。
- 名称和电子邮件地址
- 有关生产设计和生产流程的信息
- 您作品的图片
完成注册在您向 Amazon Handmade 提出的申请获得批准后,您会收到一封邀请电子邮件,其中包含完成注册的相关说明。该电子邮件包含一个唯一链接,可供您设置 Amazon Handmade 店铺。请访问电子邮件中提供的链接,按照最适合您账户的注册选项进行操作。
如果您无法再访问邀请电子邮件,请联系Amazon Handmade 支持团队。
注意:请确保您使用的是申请中所用电子邮件地址,并确保大小写正确无误。美国、加拿大和墨西哥卖家可以在所有这三个北美网站上销售商品,无需重新申请。有关在其他国家/地区销售商品的更多信息,请参阅Amazon Handmade: 在其他国家/地区通过 Amazon Handmade 销售商品。
确认注册已完成您可以通过以下方式确认注册已完成以及您能够在 Amazon Handmade 店铺中发布商品:
- 前往【设置】 >账户信息。在左侧的【您的服务】下,您应该会看到 【Amazon Handmade】。
- 将鼠标悬停在【设置】上,您应该会在列表底部看到【手工艺人资料】选项。
- 在主页的【新闻】下,找到中间列中的 【Amazon Handmade 入门】。
您的 Amazon Handmade 手工艺人资料
使用“手工艺人资料”页面向买家介绍您自己以及您制作的商品。您在此页面上提供的信息将对亚马逊买家可见,且应仅展示您和您的业务。有关更多信息,请参阅Amazon Handmade: 手工艺人资料。
发布 Amazon Handmade 商品
如果您当前在亚马逊商城的其他分类下销售手工商品,并且这些商品符合 Amazon Handmade 标准,您可以在注册 Amazon Handmade 后重新发布这些商品。请参阅Amazon Handmade: 发布商品。
- Amazon Handmade: 图片最佳实践
- Amazon Handmade: 商品名称最佳实践
- Amazon Handmade: 定制
- “意大利制造”商品专卖店
- Amazon Handmade: 在其他国家/地区通过 Amazon Handmade 销售商品
商品在添加后最长可能需要 24 小时才会显示在网站上。如果您仍然无法找到您的商品,请查看导致您无法找到 Amazon Handmade 商品的常见原因帮助页面。
配送 Amazon Handmade 商品
添加商品后,请详细了解如何管理 Amazon Handmade 业务,包括管理订单和提高商品销量。
- Amazon Handmade: 配送订单
- 使用亚马逊物流配送您的 Amazon Handmade 商品
Amazon Handmade 销售佣金
- Amazon Handmade: 销售佣金
拓展您的 Amazon Handmade 业务
成功开展业务后,您可能有兴趣查看 Amazon Handmade 关于提高商品曝光率和销量的建议;请参阅Amazon Handmade: 提高商品曝光率和销量,了解更多信息。
新闻公告和新闻稿独立或通过签约机构开展公关活动(包括任何提及亚马逊或 Amazon Handmade 的活动)的手工艺人应在发布公告或新闻稿的前两周联系我们的 Amazon Handmade 公关团队,请求他们审核这些内容。请通过联系我们联系 Amazon Handmade 支持团队,他们会为您联系 Amazon Handmade 公关团队的员工。
请以 Word 文档的格式发送新闻稿的草稿,也可将其发送给其他亚马逊利益相关者并由其审核(如适用)。
Amazon Handmade 公关团队代表会尽快与您联系。
Amazon Handmade 其他资源
- 退出 Amazon Handmade
- 亚马逊手工艺品市场: 退货、退款和取消政策
欢迎使用 Amazon Handmade
- Amazon Handmade: 销售佣金
- 亚马逊手工艺品市场: 退货、退款和取消政策
- Amazon Handmade 条款和条件
- Amazon Handmade: 手艺人资料
- Amazon Handmade: 定制订单
- 退出 Amazon Handmade
- Amazon Handmade: 配送订单
- Amazon Handmade: 发布商品
- Amazon Handmade: 分类商品政策和要求
- Amazon Handmade: 提高商品曝光率和销量
- 导致您无法找到 Amazon Handmade 商品的常见原因
文章来源:亚马逊官方网站Welcome to Amazon Handmade
Welcome to Amazon Handmade! Amazon Handmade is where Makers, artisans, hobbyists – whatever you prefer to call yourself list and sell your handcrafted products to customers around the world.
We know customers will be thrilled with your selection of handcrafted products, and we are looking forward to helping you grow your business.
Amazon Handmade Benefits
- We have a Maker application and audit process to ensure we are building a shop of genuinely handcrafted goods.
- Joining Amazon Handmade, creating your shop, and listing products is free. When you make a sale, Handmade will deduct a referral fee, which may be a flat percentage of your total sale OR a per-item-minimum fee – that’s it. No transaction fees. No processing fees.
- Amazon Handmade offers a custom profile for your goods. Your Maker Profile comes with a custom URL to make it easy for you to refer customers to your store or find it directly on the Amazon site.
- Approval to sell in the Amazon Handmade store comes with a waiver of the Professional selling plan fee for those who sell primarily on Handmade and there is no per-item sale fee.
Amazon Handmade Program Eligibility
Note:Collaborative groups must supply a link to a website or other online documentation containing information about your organization.
- Independent Makers, working alone or preferably, with fewer than 20 friends, family members, or employees to create products
- Collaborative groups – Cooperatives, Non-Profits, or Charities
- Cooperative - a group of Makers united to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs.
- Non-profit Organization (NPO) – these are groups dedicated to furthering a particular social cause or advocating for a shared point of view.
- Non-government Organization (NGO) – these groups are dedicated to furthering a particular social cause or advocating for a shared point of view.
- Social Enterprise – these are organizations with the goal to empower and support collectives and communities of Makers making one-of-a-kind, handmade products. For example, a social enterprise organization creates one-of-a-kind designs and works with communities of Makers across their region to help with the creation and production of their final product.
For additional information on Amazon Handmade terms and conditions, seeAmazon Handmade: Terms and Conditions.
Amazon Handmade Product Eligibility
All products listed for sale in the Amazon Handmade store must comply with the following eligibility requirements:
- Products must be designed and produced by you, your small group of family members/employees (20 or fewer is preferred)
- Production methods using hand tools and light machinery are allowed if used by individuals in their home, studio, or workspace; however, mass production using assembly lines or automation technology are not allowed.
- Hand altered, pre-made items are acceptable; for example - application of your own designs to drinkware, tea towels, etc.
- Upcycling, or taking a used item and improving its value through some sort of manipulation is allowed; for example – painting or refinishing a table.
- Repurposing, or taking an item and using it or its component parts/pieces for something entirely new or different is allowed; for example – creating bowl out of an old vinyl record or pillow covers from vintage rugs.
The following are not allowed/prohibited in Amazon Handmade:
- Outsourcing of product production
- Drop-shipping of products
- Reselling products by third parties
- Digital/downloadable products, food/grocery items, and electronics
SeeAmazon Handmade: Category Listing Policies & Requirementsfor category specific limitations and eligibility criteria.
Before you can begin selling your items in the Handmade store, you must go through our application process and be approved. To apply, clickhere.
Our simplified application process requires the following information:
- Name and Email
- Information on your production design and production processes
- Pictures of your work
Your application will be reviewed and an Associate may reach out to you to confirm details or request additional information.
Complete your registrationOnce your application to Amazon Handmade has been approved, you should receive an invitation email with instruction to complete your registration. The email includes a unique link that will allow you to set up your Amazon Handmade store. Follow the registration option that best fits your account using the links provided in the email.
If you no longer have access to your invitation email, contactHandmade Support.
Note:Ensure you are using the email used in your application and that you are using the correct capitalization.Sellers in United States of America, Canada and Mexico can sell in all three North American sites without reapplying.For more information on selling in other countries, seeAmazon Handmade: Sell in other Handmade Countries.
Confirm registration is completeYou can confirm registration is complete and your ability to list in the Handmade store by:
- Going toSettings>Account Info. UnderYour Services, on the left-hand side, you should seeAmazon Handmade.
- Hovering overSettings, you should see an option forMaker Profiletowards the bottom of the list.
- On the main page, locatingGetting Started on Amazon Handmadein the center column, underNews.
Your Amazon Handmade Maker Profile
Use your Maker profile page as a place to tell customers about yourself and the products you make. The information you share on this page will be visible to customers on Amazon and should only represent you and your business. For more information, seeAmazon Handmade: Maker Profile.
Listing Amazon Handmade Products
If you are currently selling handmade products in a different category on Amazon, and those products meet the Amazon Handmade criteria, you can re-list them in Amazon Handmade after you register. SeeAmazon Handmade : List Your Products.
Be sure to check out the following pages for more tips about creating great product listings:
- Amazon Handmade: Image Best Practices
- Amazon Handmade: Product Title Best Practices
- Amazon Handmade: Customizations
- Storefront Dedicated to Made in Italy Products
- Amazon Handmade: Sell in other Handmade Countries
Once you add your products, it can take up to 24 hours for them to show onsite. If you are still having problems finding your products, check out the help page onCommon reasons you cannot find your Handmade listings.
Shipping Amazon Handmade Products
After you have added your items, learn more about how to manage your Handmade business, including managing your orders and increasing sales.
- Amazon Handmade: Fulfill Orders
- Use Fulfillment by Amazon to Ship Your Handmade Products
Amazon Handmade Referral Fees
- Amazon Handmade: Referral Fees
Growing Your Amazon Handmade Business
Once you have your business up and running, you may be interested in reviewing suggestions from Amazon Handmade on increasing your discoverability and sales; seeAmazon Handmade: Increase Discoverability & Salesfor additional information.
News Announcements and Press ReleasesMakers conducting their own PR activities, either independently or through a contracted agency, that include any mention of Amazon or Amazon Handmade, should engage our Amazon Handmade PR team to review their content two-weeks prior to issuing an announcement or Press Release. Contact Handmade Support viaContact Usand they will connect you with someone from the Handmade PR team.
Send a draft of your release in a Word document, which may also be routed to and reviewed by other Amazon stakeholders as appropriate.
A Handmade PR representative will get back in touch with you as soon as possible.
Amazon Handmade Additional Resources
- Leave Amazon Handmade
- Amazon Handmade: Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations Policies
Welcome to Amazon Handmade
- Amazon Handmade: Referral Fees
- Amazon Handmade: Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations Policies
- Amazon Handmade Terms and Conditions
- Amazon Handmade: Maker Profile
- Amazon Handmade: Custom Orders
- Leave Amazon Handmade
- Amazon Handmade: Fulfilling Orders
- Amazon Handmade: List Your Products
- Amazon Handmade: Category Listing Policies & Requirements
- Amazon Handmade: Increase Discoverability & Sales
- Common reasons you cannot find your Handmade listings
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